About Us
Welcome to the Austin Chinese Church English Congregation! ACC's mission is to make disciples of Jesus Christ by sharing His good news with all people, especially with those of Chinese descent, and helping them grow as followers of Christ, so that together we will bear witness of His glory in Austin, in the surrounding areas, and to the ends of the earth.

Our Core Values
God-Centered Worship
We believe that the triune God - the Father, the Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit - is supreme and sovereign. He is the focus of our individual and corporate worship in praises, prayers and the preaching and teaching of God’s Word. We believe that prayer is essential in order to sustain a close relationship with God, and it must be the foundation of all our ministries. Therefore, we are committed to building up ACC as a house of prayer. (Psalm 150; Isaiah 56:7)
Spiritually Healthy Families
We believe that spiritually healthy families are the foundation of a united church. We are committed to building God-centered families whose members love one another, following the example of Christ. (Colossians. 3:18-21; Ephesians 5:21-6:1- 4)
Unity Embracing Diversity
We believe that it is essential and effective for believers to seek, discern, and obey the Lord’s will as a community. We are committed to unity embracing diversity in a multilingual, multicultural and multigenerational ministry within our multi-congregational church. We value honest communication and mutual respect so that God will be glorified and our church will flourish. (Ephesians 4:11-13,15; Galatians 3:28; 1 Corinthians 12:12)
Biblical Teaching
We believe that God’s Word is the catalyst for spiritual transformation and growth. The Bible is the highest authoritative guide for what we believe and how we should live. We are committed to teaching and upholding the Bible, and we pledge to avoid misinterpreting, truncating, adjusting or in any other way modifying Biblical truth, which was once and for all delivered to people in God’s Word. (2 Timothy 3:16)
Authentic Fellowship
We believe in vibrant and authentic fellowship in which we care for and love one another sacrificially, as we build up the body of Christ. (Acts 2:42-47; John 13:34-35).
Transformed Disciples
We believe that every Christian must continually grow and be transformed as a disciple of Christ through the application of God’s Word, obedience to the Holy Spirit, and faithful service to the Lord. We are committed to making disciples who will make disciples. (Ephesians 4:1-3; 15-16)
Local & Global Missions
We value a lifestyle of sharing the love of God both locally and globally by spreading His Good News through evangelism, missions, and community caring and service. We believe that every Christian is called to be an ambassador for Christ. (Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 1:8; 2 Corinthians 5:20)
Our Statement of Faith
We believe in the one and only true God, Creator of all universe, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe in Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, Conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He suffered under the hand of Pontius Pilate, died on the cross, buried, descended into Hades and was raised bodily from the dead on the third day. He ascended to the right hand of the Father. He will return personally to judge the living and the dead.
We believe in the Holy Spirit, the Counselor, who convicts and regenerates the repentant sinners, and indwells, illuminates and empowers the believers to manifest their faith in action, attaining a sanctified life.
We believe the sixty-six books of the Holy Bible, both the Old and New Testaments, to be the inspired word of God, consistent in truth and inerrant, the divine and final authority for all Christian faith and life.
We believe that man was created in the image of God, had a glorious position originally, that he sinned and was depraved. As a sinner, man is in need of God’s grace for regeneration and can only be justified through faith in Jesus Christ alone.
We believe that there shall be a bodily resurrection of the just to eternal life, and of the unjust to eternal punishment.
We believe that the Church is built by Jesus Christ. The Church is His body, consisting of those regenerated by the Spirit of God and of which Jesus is the Head, and the purpose of the Church is to be Christ’s witness on earth.
Our By-Laws
Our church is governed according to by-laws that prescribe how the church is organized and administered. The by-laws have been approved by the Church Council and members, and are available for download.
Reverend Arthur Hsu
English Pastor
Pastor Art Hsu is the English Pastor at ACC, having joined staff in June 2009. He was born in the Philippines and grew up in Southern California. He received his Bachelor degree in Psychology at UCLA (1994) and his Master of Divinity at Fuller Theological Seminary (2000). For nine years Art and his wife, Lucy, were involved in international student ministry. They joined ACC because they want to invest in the next generations of Asian-Americans, challenging them to become passionate Christ-followers here in Austin and to the nations of the world. Art and Lucy have two sons, Roan and Wyatt.
Reverend Patrick Yao
English Pastor
Pastor Patrick Yao is the English Pastor at ACC, joining the staff in August 2018. Hailing from St. Louis, Missouri, Pat attended University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and graduated in Economics and East Asian Languages and Cultures in 2001. Following his calling to ministry, Pat later attended Covenant Theological Seminary and graduated with an M.Div in 2006. He served as youth pastor and English associate pastor in California from 2006-2018 before following the call to ACC as Family Pastor. Pat’s desire is to equip families growing in the next generation to live out the call of Deuteronomy 6. Pat is married to Gloria since 2005 and have four children, Adelaide, Eliana, Cason, Kayliane, and bleeds red and blue for the St. Louis Cardinals, and Golden State Warriors.
Reverend Jerry Lin
English College Ministry Director
Pastor Jerry Lin joined ACC as the part-time college ministry director in August 2021. Jerry was born in Taiwan and grew up in Dallas. He studied genetics and computer science at UC Davis and worked in a biomedical research lab after college. While serving as a counselor at a youth retreat, Jerry felt called to vocational ministry. Jerry served as the youth ministry intern at Greater Phoenix Chinese Christian Church while working on his Master of Divinity at Phoenix Seminary, and later he served as the college and young adult pastor there. After the birth of their first child Elizabeth, Jerry and his wife Selma moved to Austin to be closer to family.
Reverend Dominic Chan
Youth Pastor
Pastor Dominic Chan joined ACC in 2015 as the youth pastor serving middle and high school students. Growing up in Southern California, he became a Christian through a youth summer camp. He received his calling to ministry as a high school senior. He graduated from Boston University with a business degree in finance and entrepreneurship and received his Master of Divinity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. Prior to joining ACC, Dominic apprenticed at Boston Chinese Evangelical Church and interned at Golden Gate Christian Church in San Francisco. Dominic met his wife, Lynn, in college through Intervarsity and they are passionate to see Chinese-American students richly steeped in the Gospel in order to reach the world. They have three young sons, Micah, Jordan and Zion. In his spare time, Dominic enjoys cooking, trying new restaurants, basketball, traveling, reading, listening to podcasts, storing random bits of information into Evernote, and wandering up and down the aisles of Costco.
Reverend Gaylord Tsuei
Caring Pastor
Pastor Gaylord Tsuei joined the Pastoral Staff at ACC in May of 1998 as the English Pastor. Pastor G graduated from Bob Jones University with a B.A. in Christian Missions (1988), and completed his Master of Divinity at Central Baptist Theological Seminary (1996). He is married to Tina, and they have two children, Charis and Silas. Gaylord and Tina have a special burden for Chinese-Americans. They desire to see God use them to encourage others to grow in their walk with Christ and to serve God faithfully.
Hilarie See
Ministry Apprentice
Hilarie joined ACC staff in 2017 as the Youth Ministry Assistant after attending the church as a college student in Quest. During this time, she also met her husband, Jeffrey, who was serving as youth counselor for Lighthouse. She stayed on for one and a half years until graduating from UT Austin and went back to Dallas to pursue a Master of Divinity Degree at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. While in Dallas, she served as the Children's Ministry intern at Plano Chinese Alliance Church. Hilarie moved back to Austin in 2020 and completed her degree while working at ACC as Children's Ministry Assistant and, later on, Youth Ministry Assistant again. In July 2023, she made the transition to Ministry Apprentice for ACC-SW, helping to oversee the English ministry there. In her spare time, she enjoys connecting with friends, watching movies, and taking her very rowdy pup, Winston, out for late night strolls.
Ann Hung
Children's Ministry Director
Ann Hung was born in Hong Kong, immigrated to the US and attended high school in Houston. Ann received her bachelor degree in computer science from UT Austin, master degrees in software engineering and choral conducting from Texas States University. She was baptized in ACC in April 1995. Following her calling to ministry, Ann attended Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and received a master degree in Christian education in 2013. She joined the ACC staff in 2014, and has served as Cantonese ministry assistant and Children ministry assistant before accepting her call to serve as Children ministry director for Awana/JAM in 2020. Ann is married to Johnny Wong and together have three children, Johnson, Joann and Joshua.
Lan Ding
AWANA / JAM Ministry Assistant
Katherine Lee
Promiseland Ministry Assistant
Reverend Tony Hsu
Mandarin Pastor and Acting SW Campus Pastor
Rev. Tony Hsu came to the US from Taiwan in 1983 for his MBA study. Soon after, he and his wife Jenny, accepted Christ and got baptized together in 1984. After getting their masters degree in computer science, they moved to Los Angeles in 1986 to work as software engineers and joined a newly planted church FEC-SGV. Four years later, they planted another church (RLCC) with a team in Los Angeles. At that time, God called them to full-time ministry, and Tony completed his M.Div. studies at Fuller Theological Seminary in 1994. Then, from 1997 to 2013, he served in Ithaca, NY, the college town of Cornell University, focusing on student ministry. In 2000, he served full time as both Chinese Pastor and English Pastor for 8 years. He also served as Cornell University chaplain and continued to equip himself by completing Doctor of Ministry study at Trinity Evangelical Divinity in 5 years (2003 to 2008). God then guided them to move to Austin at the end of 2013 to serve as ACC’s Mandarin Pastor. Their two daughters, Lydia and Tina, have already graduated from college.
Reverend Enoch Chow
Cantonese Pastor/Coordinating Pastor
Reverend Enoch Chow was born in Hong Kong and moved to the US in 1991. He finished his high school and college in CA. Before being called to full-time ministry he worked in the IT industry for almost twelve years. In 2010 he moved to Dallas for his seminary study. In 2015 he joined ACC and became the Cantonese congregation pastor. He is married to Esther, and they have two sons. Enoch likes watching cooking shows and enjoys cooking and road trips.
Reverend Michael Liu
Mandarin Associate Pastor
Rev. Michael Liu was born and raised in Henan China. During his teenage years, he dropped out of school and wandered through the countryside, eventually working in a mine. During those rebellion years, however, the prodigal son was saved by Christ and found his life purpose and meaning in God! Later, he returned back to campus by God’s grace and was able to accomplish his bachelor’s (2001) and master’s degrees (2006) in Jiangxi University of Finance & Economics. During the university, he was nurtured and equipped by local church Christians, experienced spiritual growth and renewal. He started the university student fellowship and devoted himself to serving in the local house church after graduating in 2001. By answering God's calling in 2006, he and his wife Ruth went to the United States to study for a Master of Divinity at Northwest Baptist Seminary. After graduating from seminary, he moved to Canada in 2010 and served at Edmonton Chinese Christian Church through pastoring, church planting, and coordinating the Mandarin congregation for about thirteen years. During his pastoral ministry, he continued to pursue a Doctor of Ministry degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in 2019 and graduated in Spring 2023. Guided by God, in 2023, he joined Austin Chinese Church to pastor the Mandarin congregation. Michael and Ruth are blessed with two children, Joseph and Jenna.
Annie Feng
Church Administrator